Our Doctors
Our doctors work in a partnership and as a group. Although you are registered with the practice, you may see any of the doctors in the partnership. Having made a choice, it is advisable to see the same doctor whenever possible, especially for follow up of a continuing problem.

Dr. Tom Howling (M)

Dr. James Higgins (M)

Dr. Rebecca Baldry (F)

Dr. Mark White (M)

Dr. Cate Lawson (F)

Dr. Michael Richardson (M)
Salaried GPs

Dr. Saroja Forester (F)

Dr. Julia Dow (F)

Dr. Emily Wilson (F)

Dr. Carmen Wu (F)

Dr. Tom Eadsforth (M)

Dr. Rob Mctear (M)
Teaching and Training
Brinnington Surgery is a training practice for General Practitioner Registrars and doctors in training. These are fully trained doctors with a wealth of hospital experience who are being trained for the Primary Care setting.
Training may involve shared surgeries with another doctor and video surgeries. The reception staff will inform you if the consultations are being filmed. Please say if you would prefer not to be filmed.
Our Nursing Team

Sr Celia Lockwood (F)

Sr Jane Templeton (F)

Sr Frances Crawford (F)

Sr Sally Jenkins (F)

Paula Porter (F)

Andrea Brown (F)

Josie Baguley (F)

Alicia Baguley (F)

Lauren Harrison (F)

Helen Ferns (F)
Our Practice Team

Paul Ansbro
Practice Manager
Paul Ansbro BA (Hons) Business Studies, MA Health Service Management
Full-time Practice Manager and Executive Partner
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Karen V
Reception and Administration
Karen W
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Reception and Administration
Tame Valley PCN Staff
We are a part of the Tame Valley PCN along with 7 other practices in the area.
Many patients do not know that we offer other services that don’t always require a GP Appointment in our Practice.
These services include:
- Employement Support Health Coach
- Cancer Health Coach
- First Contact Practitioner
- SIPS Pharmacy Team
- Pain Management and Addiction Coach
- Frailty Health Coach
- Mental Health Practitioner
- Safeguarding Team
- Care Co-Ordinators
You can find out more about their role by visiting the Tame Valley PCN website

Paula Talbot

Julie Burt
Our Attached Team
Associated Staff

Imelda Watson
Wellbeing Navigator

Dawn Oakley (F)

Phoebe Longstaff (F)

Kristy Franklin (F)